
სარა ბულტონი - შერჩეული ნამუშევრები, 2014 - 2018 წ.წ.

ტექსტები  ორიგინალიდან არ არის თარგმნილი.

Orion’s Belt

Orion’s belt was outside and there was silence in the car as well. The road where the rows of lights split into two forks had had me guessing so often and I missed it again.


She told me about the bruise she had acquired and how she had wanted to slow it and keep it so she rubbed it more but that she felt it would be better here with me in my work alongside Am3er(*), Sn0ww*te, La(una! and all the other dead passwords to come

Snow Leopard Vodka

I found snow leopard vodka in one Waitrose after a long search. I took a sip and went to the hills and crawled with it through the snow.

Wood Beds

I was sent a photo from the inside of a forest looking out and I knew the bed was in there because the light was so strong through the trees outside, and I waited and saw from a tiny window at the very back of an aeroplane some shadowless woodbeds.

Dark Quartz

I approached a lady on the tube to ask her what perfume she was wearing. She told me, Dark Quartz.

One Angel Fish

The angel fish and not being able to video it and ran to finally pluck up the courage to ask my Mother, who is still alone and so beautiful.

Silver Wing

After much fighting on eBay I won a small birds wing, I coated it in silver and took it on an aeroplane with me in the back pocket of my rucksack – closest to my back. In the wind and in the airport lights I made a video of the wing but it was too
seductive, so I asked my sister to take the video and put it somewhere on- line where I do not know


I drove through bright sun with Moss up and up and up and finally the house was called The Brink. The trampoline was at the bottom of the gar- den so we had to go back down again, and everyone took it apart barely speaking. I drove it away from the strangers and it lived folded up with me until I found a way to cut an
exclamation mark in the surface.


Sarah Boulton - Swan Video, 2014 (1 min. 50). This video should only be

presented held by someone. They should only play it once. They should hold it close to them and watch it in its entirety as they do, without taking their eyes off it. If it means they crane their neck, that is ok.

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