Poetry Issue

List of contributors

Sarah Boulton is an artist who uses words, events, time and documen- tation. Boulton graduated from the Slade School of Art in 2015 and since, has presented exhibitions and poetry at Cell Project Space (London), Rhubaba Studios (Edin- burgh), Wysing Arts Centre (Cam- bridge) and Art Area (Tbilisi). Her texts have been published by Ten- der Journal, SALT Magazine, Best British Poetry Anthology and
New York Tyrant.

Ulijona Odišarija is a Lithuanian-Georgian artist living in London. She completed Masters in Fine Art Media at the Slade School of Fine Art in 2016. Her work has been presented at Toronto International Film Festi- val (Toronto, Canada), Close Up Cinema, SET and ICA (London, UK), Contemporary Art Centre and National Art Gallery (Vilnius, Lith- uania), Import Projects (Berlin, Germany), PAKT (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Showroom (New York, USA) and was published in a book on young Lithuanian photography ‘Like there’s no tomor- row’ (Rupert, 2013) and ‘Lithua- nian Photography: Yesterday And Today’ (Union Of The Lithuanian Art Photographers, 2016). She is a founding member of a band Steve & Samantha.